Tzec Maun Print
Written by Nathaniel Whitehead   

The Tzec Maun Foundation is striving to provide students from all over the world with access, through teachers and professors, to astronomical instruments that can be easily incorporated into the classroom and even used from home.

The foundation allows students to access quality telescopes in the northern and southern hemispheres, providing a view of the entire sky from locations in New Mexico and Australia. Using the latest in remote access technology, Tzec Maun provides internet available telescopes that can be used with any personal computer that supports an internet browser. In order for students to access the resources of the Tzec Maun foundation they will need to contact their own professors who will need to consult with their institutions contact for access to the site. The contact for Houston Community College is Mr. Don Wells: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  To learn more about the possibilities that The Tzec Maun Foundation has to offer please visit their website at the following link: